Khilati Kaliyain Jhadate Fhool
  ₹ 160 ( Paper Back )

  • Author       Krishna Kumar Pandey

  • ISBN          9789389938043

  • Category        Poetry

  • No of Pages      90

  • Publisher              Rudra Publications

  • SKU Code       RP-2019-0023

  • Book Size       33

  • Publishing Date   2020-02-10

  • Language       Hindi

" khilati Kaliyaa jhadate fhool " is a story There is a total of 61 of the pleasures of life, such as life Poetry is actually considered true and righteous To follow the religion and that its defense , the undersized When we give silent approval to the work then it is Mahabharata only writes ;Even if I am a woman who comes forward.I swear there were so many who would hit them.In its collection, the Ganges wrote stories on many topicsRituals in life we ​​challenge riots in the name of religionAreThe specter of corruption is my concern which todayI am a companion to this, some verses are versesIt is an issue, but I have tried to bring in a lot of creativity in allWhat is the language that I expect to be comfortable and safe?That all readers will try to understand the memory of poetry

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  • Name          Krishna Kumar Pandey

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About Author

Krishna Kumar Paday

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